My little tips are relatively new on the market, and during this report, I will mainly report My Little Tips naps. Because that’s what his twitter channel is mostly about.
Free Service From My Little Tips

The service is free, and anyone can join. The style is short and concise: a nap per day, usually a favourite with the average odds at 2/1. My Little Tips has a large number of followers, which means it can be tough to get on the suggested odds. However, that’s horse racing and its very common for brilliant tipsters.
Do you make a profit?
Yes, My Little Tip’s tracking shows a return of investment on 42% over the past ten months. While the last three months are incredible – with a return of investment on 73%, still – you should not rely blindly on statistics reported by tipsters.
That is why our site can be considered to have a purpose: we’ll publish the statistic without any personal incentive, besides making it easier for you to choose the right portfolio. The goal is to give you an objective statement and measurement – to help you navigate through the tipster jungle. There’s a lot of tipsters out there, and only a few make a long term profit. My Little Tips might be one of them; these are the results so far:
Name: | My Little Tip |
Price: | Free |
Time followed: | 5 months |
Points: | +51 |
Return of investment: | 52,6% |
As you can see, the return of investment is incredible; I know My Little Tips account for a slightly higher return of investment than I do: and I think it’s because my stakes are based on the Exchange.
Why? Well, because my stakes are very high when it comes to My Little Tips. I have developed full confidence for him, mainly after the insight of this incredible strike rate.
And second, My Little Tips have around 20k followers on twitter, which increases every week, which makes it difficult to jump on the right prices, especially on Exchange. However – the service is free & therefore I will not complain. I will say that it’s getting harder each day to jump at the right prices. That’s just facts, and I’m not blaming anyone here. I guess great tipsters get a significant number of followers—especially free tipsters.
My Little Tip Uses Twitter
The platform is twitter, and the tips are sent out 3-4 hours before the race. Some days the indented nap’s price is gone even before My Little Tips have sent out his suggestions, which means he won’t post it. This is a sign of perseverance and long-term thinking.
You can join My Little Tips for free here.
Update Mars 2020:
I’ve stopped following My Little Tips since it was impossible to get on the odds. The service got very popular, and the number of followers started to grow even more. For me, that was not good. Since I could not get on any advised odds. And it’s all about value. The return of investment did take a hit as well; we don’t got any numbers as we speak. But it was enough to stop following My Little Tip.
There’s nothing wrong with My Little Tip; it’s just too many followers. And there are other racing tipsters out there worth checking out. Even though most of the good tipsters are paid tipsters – the odds won’t vanish in seconds. And for me, that’s more important. It’s a long term game, and what matters is the value.
Do you have any experience from My Little Tips? Please share. It’s always refreshing hearing what you think about the services we review. Please leave a comment below with your experience, insights or opinions regarding My Little Tips.